Medical research

'Beige' cells key to healthy fat

"Beige fat" cells found in healthy subcutaneous fat in mice play a critical role in protecting the body from the disease risks of obesity, report researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, who say their study findings may ...

Medical research

Estrogen's effects on fat depends on where it's located

Women have long bemoaned the fact that they tend to store more fat than men, particularly after menopause. Although it's well established that estrogen, the primary sex hormone present during women's childbearing years, is ...


'Healthier hormones' through diet and exercise

Weight loss—by dietary changes alone or combined with physical exercise—has a positive impact on the production of adipose tissue hormones: Adipose tissue produces less leptin but, instead, more adiponectin, which counteracts ...


Mobile app boosts weight loss by 15 pounds

Using a mobile app that tracks eating and activity helped people lose an average of 15 pounds and keep it off for at least a year, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study.

Medical research

High-fat diet may cause change in hypothalamus

(Medical Xpress)—A high fat diet may damage the part of the brain that controls appetite and energy expenditure which in turn dictates our weight.

Medical research

Social jetlag is a real health hazard

Social jetlag -- a syndrome related to the mismatch between the body's internal clock and the realities of our daily schedules -- does more than make us sleepy. It is also contributing to the growing tide of obesity, according ...

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