Inflammatory disorders

Chronic inflammation accelerates ageing

(Medical Xpress)—Inflammation could be a key factor in the ageing process academics at Newcastle University have found, and the discovery could help scientists identify new ways of delaying ageing.

Medical research

Battle of the bulge occurs in the liver

(Medical Xpress)—An international team of scientists led by Monash University researchers has shown how free radicals contribute to type 2 diabetes, obesity and fatty liver disease.

Oncology & Cancer

A novel disease-preventing antioxidant pathway

Interested in antioxidants? They protect us against aging and cancer. It's one of the reasons we like our green tea and even our broccoli. But there is a new kid on the antioxidant block - uric acid. But wait, you're thinking, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

E-cigarettes may boost resistance of drug-resistant pathogens

Despite being touted by their manufacturers as a healthy alternative to cigarettes, e-cigarettes appear in a laboratory study to increase the virulence of drug- resistant and potentially life-threatening bacteria, while decreasing ...


Neuroimaging: Live from inside the cell

A novel imaging technique provides insights into the role of redox signaling and reactive oxygen species in living neurons, in real time. Scientists of the Technische Universität München and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität ...

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