
Ditching the toothbrush for whiter teeth, fewer cavities

The first thing people notice when they meet you is your smile. To be more confident when giving wide-mouthed, eye-crinkling smiles, people want healthy, pearly white teeth. But toothpastes only remove surface stains, and ...


NSAID improves vascular health in adults with severe depression

Science has long established a link between depression and cardiovascular disease, but the precise nature of the connection is less clear. In a new proof-of-concept study, researchers worked to zero in on the mechanism behind ...

Oncology & Cancer

Finding new ways to image cancer

Cancer cells can become resistant to treatment—it is one of the main reasons treatments, which were successful to start, can then begin to fail. There are different reasons this can happen and Professor James O'Connor, ...


Physicist develops next-generation cancer photodrug

Wei Chen, professor of physics at The University of Texas at Arlington, is the senior author of two papers detailing the effects of copper cysteamine, a next-generation cancer photodrug invented in Chen's laboratory.

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