Obstetrics & gynaecology

Are we cutting umbilical cords too soon after birth?

The most common surgical procedure in the world today – one that every human alive today has undergone – is the clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord at birth. The need for clamping and cutting the cord is not in ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hormones may usher abused girls into early adulthood

During the sort of tense situation that makes palms sweat and voices quaver, children and young adults are typically awash in cortisol, a stress hormone that sounds an alarm and prepares the body for fight-or-flight responses ...

Autism spectrum disorders

No oxytocin benefit for autism

The so-called trust hormone, oxytocin, may not improve the symptoms of children with autism, a large study led by UNSW researchers has found.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Novel misoprostol insert reduces labor time, need for oxytocin

(HealthDay)—Use of a 200-microgram misoprostol vaginal insert significantly reduces the time to vaginal delivery and the need for oxytocin, in women with an unfavorable cervix, compared to those using a dinoprostone vaginal ...


Can caesarean sections increase susceptibility to disease?

Despite efforts to reduce intervention rates during labour, vaginal births without medical intervention are becoming increasingly rare in Australia and overseas: nearly one in three women in Australian now give birth by caesarean; ...

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