Oncology & Cancer

Prions and cancer: A story unfolding

Prions, the causal agents of Mad Cow and other diseases, are very unique infectious particles. They are proteins in which the complex molecular three-dimensional folding process just went astray. For reasons not yet understood, ...

Medical research

How do whales fight off cancer?

Oxford University epidemiologist Richard Peto was puzzled by a paradox: If cancer is a function of individual cells going haywire, wouldn't an organism with a lot more cells, say a whale, have a greater chance of getting ...

Oncology & Cancer

Stem cell disease model clarifies bone cancer trigger

Using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), a team led by Mount Sinai researchers has gained new insight into genetic changes that may turn a well known anti-cancer signaling gene into a driver of risk for bone cancers, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Gene fault could predict ovarian cancer drug success

Faults in a gene commonly inactivated in many different types of cancer could be used to predict which drug combination ovarian cancer patients are most likely to benefit from, according to research at Newcastle University.

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