Medical research

How do whales fight off cancer?

Oxford University epidemiologist Richard Peto was puzzled by a paradox: If cancer is a function of individual cells going haywire, wouldn't an organism with a lot more cells, say a whale, have a greater chance of getting ...

Oncology & Cancer

New approach to understanding cancers will speed treatments

A new innovation in cancer research will enable scientists to understand the complex causes of the disease with unprecedented speed and sophistication. This will accelerate the development of new and better treatments, and ...

Oncology & Cancer

Variant of the p53 gene increased tumor cell metabolism

Scientists at The Wistar Institute have found a novel mechanism through which mutant p53 enhances metastasis by controlling tumor metabolism. The research, published online in Genes & Development, also revealed how this process ...

Medical research

Study signals need to screen genes for stem cell transplants

Regenerative medicine using human pluripotent stem cells to grow transplantable tissue outside the body carries the promise to treat a range of intractable disorders, such as diabetes and Parkinson's disease.

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