
Leadless pacemaker study assesses safety and efficacy

A leadless cardiac pacemaker showed "good safety and reliable function" during the initial six months of follow-up in the LEADLESS II study, investigators reported during a Hot Line presentation at the ESC congress 2015.

Medical research

Blue light sets the beat in biological pacemaker

Israeli researchers have successfully established a new approach for pacing the heart and synchronizing its mechanical activity without the use of a conventional electrical pacemaker. This novel biologic strategy employs ...


Cardiac device wearers should keep distance from smartphones

Cardiac device wearers should keep a safe distance from smartphones to avoid unwanted painful shocks or pauses in function, reveals research presented today at EHRA EUROPACE—CARDIOSTIM 2015 by Dr. Carsten Lennerz, first ...


Patients test drive pacemaker before choosing permanent implant

Patients are test driving a pacemaker outside the skin before deciding whether to have a permanent implant, reveals novel research presented today at EHRA EUROPACE - CARDIOSTIM 2015 by Professor Michael Giudici, director ...

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