Oncology & Cancer

Cigarillo packaging can influence product perception, study finds

Text and pictorial warnings about the health effects of little cigars and cigarillos didn't fully curtail the appeal of bright colors and descriptions of flavors on packaging, a study by University of North Carolina Lineberger ...


WIC program usage reviewed in new interim report

Women and children who participate in the WIC program have low or inadequate intakes of several key nutrients that could be addressed with changes to the program's food packages, says a new report from the National Academies ...


Britain votes for plain cigarette packaging

British lawmakers on Wednesday voted in favour of forcing tobacco firms to sell cigarettes in plain packaging despite fierce opposition from the industry.


Safety info for opioids found lacking

(HealthDay)—Information about safe storage and disposal of opioid painkillers on the drugs' package inserts is inconsistent, and even missing from some products, researchers report.


Plain cigarette packs become law in UK, France (Update)

The days of branded cigarette packets in Britain and France are numbered as new plain packaging laws came into effect on Friday, hailed by anti-smoking campaigners despite resistance from tobacco firms.


FDA bans BPA from baby bottles, sippy cups

(HealthDay) -- The controversial plastics chemical bisphenol A (BPA) is now banned for use in baby bottles and sippy cups, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday.

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