
Publication's debut addresses pain among older adults

The first issue of a new publication series from The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) called From Policy to Practice explores pain as a public health problem and takes a look at how various policies impact the care ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Shared pain brings people together

What doesn't kill us may make us stronger as a group, according to findings from new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.


Patients report high satisfaction with pain treatment

An international research group with members from the University of Basel, several EU countries, Israel and the USA, analyzed patient satisfaction with pain treatment after surgery. The study based on an extensive multi-national ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pain can be contagious

(Medical Xpress)—The pain sensations of others can be felt by some people, just by witnessing their agony, according to new research.

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