Medical research

New pain organ discovered in the skin

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have discovered a new sensory organ that is able to detect painful mechanical damage, such as pricks and impacts. The discovery is being published in the journal Science.


Brain chemical may offer new clues in treating chronic pain

A chemical in the brain typically associated with cognition, movement and reward-motivation behavior—among others—may also play a role in promoting chronic pain, according to new research at The University of Texas at ...


Researchers identify how cells control calcium influx

(Medical Xpress)—When brain cells are overwhelmed by an influx of too many calcium molecules, they shut down the channels through which these molecules enter the cells. Until now, the "stop" signal mechanism that cells ...


AI could predict ideal patients for spinal cord stimulation

Spinal cord stimulation is a minimally invasive FDA-approved treatment to manage chronic pain such as back and neck pain. This neuromodulation technique uses electricity and an implantable device, which has been increasingly ...


When touch turns to pain

Researchers in Tübingen and Trieste (Italy) have made a major contribution to understanding the sense of touch and pain. A team led by Dr Jing Hu (Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience – CIN, Tübingen) ...

Medical research

Ion pump gives the body its own pain alleviation

A small ion pump in organic electronics is giving new hope to people suffering from severe nerve pain. Researchers at Swedish Linköping University (LiU) and Karolinska Institutet (KI) are the first in the world with technology ...

Medical research

Putting the brakes on pain

Neuropathic pain—pain that results from a malfunction in the nervous system—is a daily reality for millions of Americans. Unlike normal pain, it doesn't go away after the stimulus that provoked it ends, and it also behaves ...

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