Obstetrics & gynaecology

Vitamin D3 might ease menstrual cramps

(HealthDay) -- Menstrual cramps are the bane of many women, but new research suggests that a form of vitamin D may one day be added to the meager list of pain relievers for the sometimes disabling condition.


Cold medicines for kids: What's the risk?

Over-the-counter cough and cold medicines are the best way to help a child who has a cold feel better—right? Think again. Here's practical advice from Dr. Jay L. Hoecker, an emeritus pediatrics specialist at Mayo Clinic.


US panel opposes pure hydrocodone painkiller

(AP)—U.S. government health experts overwhelmingly voted against a stronger version of hydrocodone on Friday, questioning the need for a new form of one of most widely abused prescription painkillers.


Take care with pain meds

Patients who are dependent on opioids (narcotic pain relievers) for pain management before knee replacement surgery have much more difficulty recovering, a study recently published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery ...

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