
Got unused meds? Saturday is national drug take back day

(HealthDay)—If you have unused or expired medications at home, be sure to take them to one of thousands of drop-off sites across the country on National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Saturday, April 27.


Hypnosis to tackle painkiller crisis

New research shows that hypnosis can reduce pain by up to 42% and may offer a genuine alternative to painkillers.


Don't suddenly stop taking a prescribed opioid, FDA warns

(HealthDay)—Because of the danger of "serious harm" to patients, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is advising doctors not to suddenly stop patients from taking opioid painkillers, or drastically lower the dose.


Prosecutor: Drug maker pushed OxyContin despite danger signs

A member of the family that owns OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma told people at the prescription opioid painkiller's launch party in the 1990s that it would be "followed by a blizzard of prescriptions that will bury the competition," ...

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