Oncology & Cancer

Certain mouth bacteria signal pancreatic cancer

Particular types of mouth bacteria, some of which are found in gum disease, are associated with the development of pancreatic cancer, indicates a small study published online in the journal Gut.

Medical research

Neural stem cell transplant may tackle diabetes

Researchers in Japan have discovered how a patient's neural stem cells could be used as an alternative source of the beta cells needed for a regenerative treatment for diabetes. The research, published in EMBO Molecular Medicine ...


Million young adults get health coverage under law

(AP) -- At least one part of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul has proven popular. With the economy sputtering, the number of young adults covered by health insurance grew by about a million as families flocked ...

Medical research

The pancreas as we’ve never seen it before

Professor Ulf Ahlgren and associates at Umea University in Sweden are a leading research team in the world in the development of optical projection tomography. With the aid of this imaging technology, they have now described ...

Medical research

Compound improves health, increases lifespan of obese mice

(Medical Xpress) -- Researchers have reported that obese male mice treated with a synthetic compound called SRT1720 were healthier and lived longer compared to non-treated obese mice. The experimental compound was found to ...

Medical research

In the pursuit of dangerous clumps

When normal proteins form protein clumps in the body, then alarm bells start ringing. Such clumps, called "amyloids," are closely associated with Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes, formerly called adult-onset diabetes. ...

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