Medical research

Natural compound helps reverse diabetes in mice

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have restored normal blood sugar metabolism in diabetic mice using a compound the body makes naturally. The finding suggests that it may one day be possible ...

Medical research

Glucose uptake relies on newly identified protein

All cells need glucose (sugar) to produce the energy they need to survive. High glucose levels in the bloodstream (such as occur after a meal), trigger the pancreas to produce insulin. In turn, muscle and fat cells respond ...

Oncology & Cancer

Pancreas betrayed by 'double agent'

(Medical Xpress) -- Stellate cells, a type of cell in the pancreas which normally helps the body respond to damage or disease of the pancreas, can act as a double agent when it comes to cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists discover link between inflammation, pancreatic cancer

Solving part of a medical mystery, researchers at the University of California, San Francisco have established a link between molecules found in an inflamed pancreas and the early formation of pancreatic cancer – a discovery ...

Health informatics

AI-assisted model improves diagnosis of solid lesions in pancreas

A joint artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted model integrating clinical information and endoscopic ultrasonographic (EUS) images improves diagnosis of solid lesions in the pancreas, according to a study published online ...

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