Oncology & Cancer

Changing the outlook for pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer often is hidden and doesn't cause symptoms until it has spread. It is a leading cause of cancer deaths in the world.

Oncology & Cancer

Exposing how pancreatic cancer does its dirty work

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most insidious forms of the disease, in which an average of only 9% of patients are alive five years after diagnosis. One of the reasons for such a dismal outcome is that pancreatic cancer ...

Oncology & Cancer

Fungal invasion of pancreas creates cancer risk

Certain fungi move from the gut to the pancreas, expand their population more than a thousand-fold, and encourage pancreatic cancer growth, a new study finds.

Oncology & Cancer

Starving pancreatic cancer before it has a chance to feast

(Medical Xpress)—Pancreatic cancer's low survival rate gives researchers from The University of Kansas Cancer Center even more reason to find a way to prevent and treat the hard-to-detect cancer. Drs. Snigdha Banerjee, ...

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