The geographic origin of AIDS is now known

A study published in Science magazine reveals for the first time where, when and how the world's AIDS pandemic originated. Thanks to a statistical analysis of all the genetic data available on the human immunodeficiency virus ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

COVID-19 is here. How long will it last?

With COVID-19 case numbers climbing dramatically in the United States and millions of people sheltered in their homes to help quell the outbreak, many are asking the obvious question: How long will all this last? Yale School ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Mystery of the pandemic flu virus of 1918 solved

A study led by Michael Worobey at the University of Arizona in Tucson provides the most conclusive answers yet to two of the world's foremost biomedical mysteries of the past century: the origin of the 1918 pandemic flu virus ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Flu virus in pigs shows worrisome pandemic profile, study finds

Tests on the most common type of influenza found in Chinese pigs reveal that it has the potential to transmit easily in humans, posing a pandemic threat similar to the virus that triggered a pandemic in 2009 after jumping ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Your birth year predicts your odds if flu pandemic were to strike

Your birth year predicts—to a certain extent—how likely you are to get seriously ill or die in an outbreak of an animal-origin influenza virus, according to a study co-led by researchers from the University of Arizona ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO warns of virulent COVID variant risk

The World Health Organization on Wednesday laid out three possible paths that the COVID-19 pandemic might follow in 2022—with a new, more virulent variant the worst-case scenario.

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