
Jury finds for Merck in hepatitis drug fight with Gilead

A federal jury in California has ruled in favor of drugmaker Merck & Co. in a high-stakes lawsuit against rival Gilead Sciences Inc. over patents for lucrative new drugs that rapidly cure hepatitis C.


US group seeks to block Gilead drug patent in India

A US-based patient rights group said Saturday it has sought to block a bid by California-based Gilead Sciences to obtain an Indian patent for a potentially blockbuster drug to treat hepatitis C.


Links between genetic risk, glaucoma prevalence examined

(HealthDay)—Polygenic variants are associated with comparable risk for developing open-angle glaucoma as that associated with the most common single-gene pathogenic variant, according to a study published online July 15 ...


Charity scores small win in Hep C drug battle

A medical charity scored a small victory Wednesday in its bid to break a US pharma giant's hold on an eye-wateringly expensive Hepatitis C drug when a European body partially revoked the firm's patent.


US top court to hear case on gene patents

The US Supreme Court will hear arguments Monday on whether to allow private entities to patent genes they have isolated and identified, a decision that could have far-reaching implications for genetic research.


Novartis chief sees sales dip until mid-2013

Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis said Sunday the expiry of a US patent for its leading hypertension drug Diovan caused a drop in turnover that could last into the first half of 2013.

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