Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression symptoms among men when their partners are pregnant

Men who were stressed or in poor health had elevated depression symptoms when their partners were pregnant and nine months after the birth of their child, according to the results of a study of expectant and new fathers in ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Paternal age over 51 years reduces success rate in IVF and ICSI

While female fertility comes to an irrevocable end with the menopause (at a consistently average age of 51 years), men are not constrained by similar biological senescence. Studies have shown that sperm counts may decline ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fathers of American newborns keep getting older

While data on the moms of newborn American children has been abundant, equivalent data on dads hasn't—a gap that Stanford scientists have now filled.


What are the chances that your dad isn't your dad?

How confident are you that the man you call dad is really your biological father? If you believe some of the most commonly-quoted figures, you could be forgiven for not being very confident at all. But how accurate are those ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Economic dependence promotes prudishness

Marriage, according to those who habitually preface the word with "traditional", is a collaboration. With complementary roles, filled as predictably by one woman and one man as peanut butter fills the gap between two slices ...

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