
First treatment identified for fainting

Fainting affects one in two people during their lifetime. Those with recurrent episodes are often afraid to socialise or go to work. Today researchers report the first effective therapy. The late breaking research is presented ...


Circulating nurses recover errors in cardiovascular operating room

(HealthDay) -- Circulating perioperative nurses can help reduce surgical errors and incidents in the cardiovascular operating room (OR) and improve patient safety, especially with regard to surgical prepping and aseptic technique, ...


Themes identified for improving end-of-life care in ER

(HealthDay)—Major and minor themes have been identified by emergency nurses who often provide end-of-life (EOL) care in the emergency department setting, according to a study published in the September issue of the Journal ...


End of life care for cancer patients differs in US and Canada

In the United States, older patients with advanced lung cancer make much less use of hospital and emergency room services at the end of life than their counterparts in Ontario but use far more chemotherapy, according to a ...

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