
90% of penicillin allergy labels in Hong Kong found to be false

A collaborative research team led by Dr. Philip Li from the LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) has pioneered a new nurse-led penicillin allergy triage and testing strategy—the Hong Kong Drug Allergy ...


Insights into the genetic architecture of penicillin allergy

Researchers announce the first robust evidence for the role of the major histocompatibility complex gene HLA-B in penicillin allergy. To identify genetic risk factors for penicillin allergy, the international team of researchers ...


World-first testing strategy for penicillin

New research led by The University of Western Australia will lead to a world-first in testing strategy for penicillin allergy to ensure patients aren't avoiding taking antibiotics when they don't need to, as well as preventing ...

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