Psychology & Psychiatry

Study explores bipolar in postpartum period

Researchers have long connected mood disorders and pregnancy. But a study coming out of Western is boiling down some of the specifics, suggesting women who suffered from depression prior to pregnancy should be monitored for ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

10 dead in Quebec Legionnaire's disease outbreak

A Legionnaire's disease outbreak in Quebec City has killed 10 people since late July, health authorities in the francophone Canadian city said Saturday in an updated toll.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Heavy periods? You might have an undiagnosed bleeding disorder

About 30 per cent of all women report heavy menstrual periods at some point during their reproductive years. Up to 15 per cent of these have an underlying bleeding disorder and yet most have never been diagnosed, leaving ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Postpartum depression least severe form of depression in mothers

Postpartum depression—a household term since actress Brooke Shields went public in 2005 about her struggle with it—is indeed serious. But depression that begins before or during pregnancy is often more severe because ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Family factors may influence a child's temperament

A new study indicates that a child's temperament may be influenced by maternal postpartum depression, maternal sensitivity, and family functioning. Maternal depression was associated with difficult temperaments in infants ...

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