
The exercise effect and prediabetes

If you've been told that your blood glucose is higher than normal and that you have prediabetes, your doctor is likely to first suggest lifestyle steps to stop it from progressing to diabetes.


Opioid use disorder in pregnancy: Five things to know

Opioid use is increasing in pregnancy as well as the general population. A "Five things to know about ..." practice article on opioid disuse in pregnancy in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) provides information ...


The merits of physical therapy

(HealthDay)—You suffered an injury that has sidelined you from exercise, but you dodged a bullet—your doctor has said that you don't need surgery.


Taking to the treadmill can ease period pain

A treadmill exercise regime can reduce period pain and improve long-term quality of life, according to a new study published in the journal Contemporary Clinical Trials.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Women missing class and missing out due to period pain

Period pain significantly impacts young women's academic performance worldwide, according to new Australian-led research—and women are 'putting up with it' rather than seeking treatment.

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