Psychology & Psychiatry

Dominant people can be surprisingly social

In contrast to the lay stereotype, dominant people prove to be avid social learners, just like dominant individuals in the animal kingdom. Neuroscientists from Radboud University show this with a complex decision task published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Diminishing fear vicariously by watching others

Phobias—whether it's fear of spiders, clowns, or small spaces—are common and can be difficult to treat. New research suggests that watching someone else safely interact with the supposedly harmful object can help to extinguish ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Single dose of hallucinogen may create lasting personality change

A single high dose of the hallucinogen psilocybin, the active ingredient in so-called "magic mushrooms," was enough to bring about a measureable personality change lasting at least a year in nearly 60 percent of the 51 participants ...

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