Psychology & Psychiatry

Wearable headcams provide insight into complex teen emotions

As part of a joint study between King's College London and Manchester Met, wearable headcams worn in real interactions and face decoding technology were used to read teens' facial expressions, potentially uncovering hidden ...

Health informatics

ChatGPT and rehab: A mystery that requires further investigation

Whether it's a question of analyzing medical images, detecting drug interactions, or creating brain-computer interfaces, it seems like the potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in the health care industry ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Few people seem to find real joy in JOMO

Most people who ranked high in "joy of missing out" or JOMO also reported high levels of social anxiety in a recent Washington State University-led study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Have introverts really fared better in lockdown?

Since the onset of the pandemic, everyone from newspaper columnists to Twitter users has advanced the now idea that extroverts and introverts are handling the crisis differently.

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