
Do neurosurgeons face sexual harassment in their profession?

It's 2020, and as much as we wish it weren't so, sexual harassment is still with us. One need only look at social media or a steady stream of court cases: most recently, the #MeToo movement has cast a light on sexual harassment.


New study finds Biden, Trump both likely to be 'super-agers'

In a paper published in the Journal on Active Aging, University of Illinois Chicago longevity researcher S. Jay Olshansky and his colleagues conclude that both 2020 presidential candidates—former Vice President Joe Biden, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Internet addiction and quality of life: The role of neuroticism

Quality of life is an ancient concept dating back to at least Aristotle, although the philosopher equated a good life or doing tasks well with happiness, rather than what we refer to today as quality of life. There is much ...

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