Psychology & Psychiatry

Does the KonMari method work for clinical hoarders?

Australia is the sixth-largest contributor of household waste per capita in the world. We spend more than $A10.5 billion annually on goods and services that are never or rarely used.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Six 'psychological' terms that psychologists never use

Psychology is the scientific study of human thought and behaviour, and hence of everyday life, which means that many people consider themselves experts on the topic, even if they've never cracked the spine of a psychology ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why Americans are unhappier than ever – and how to fix it

March 20 is International Day of Happiness and, as they've done every year, the United Nations has published the World Happiness Report. The U.S. ranks 18th among the world's countries, with an average life satisfaction of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Callous and unemotional traits show in brain structure of boys only

Callous-unemotional traits are linked to differences in brain structure in boys, but not girls. This reports a European research team led by the University of Basel and University of Basel Psychiatric Hospital in a study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

People who value virtue show wiser reasoning

From romantic dramas to tensions at work, we're often better at working through other people's problems than our own—while we may approach our friends' problems with wise, clear-eyed objectivity, we often view our own problems ...

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