
Overall, physicians are happy and enjoy their lives

(HealthDay)—Overall, physicians are happy and enjoy their lives, according to the 2019 American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)/CompHealth Physician Happiness Survey published online March 19.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The nearer the friends, the stronger the regional identity

A new job, an academic career or a romantic relationship—there are many reasons for young people to move. But this does not necessarily lead to happiness. Satisfaction increases when people can identify with the region ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Five myths about mental health you might still believe

Mental health affects everyone in the workplace in some way—whether we know someone struggling, or have struggled ourselves. But, despite its commonality, the stigma and myths attached to mental health still keep staff ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Live better with attainable goals

Those who set realistic goals can hope for a higher level of well-being. The key for later satisfaction is whether their life goals are seen as attainable and what they mean to the person, as psychologists from the University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does the KonMari method work for clinical hoarders?

Australia is the sixth-largest contributor of household waste per capita in the world. We spend more than $A10.5 billion annually on goods and services that are never or rarely used.


Swedish town councillor proposes sex breaks on work time

Swedes should take a one-hour paid break from work to go home and have sex with their partners, a local councillor suggested in a proposal Tuesday aimed at improving people's personal relationships.

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