Psychology & Psychiatry

Why can't some people admit defeat when they lose?

When US President-Elect Joe Biden and Deputy Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris gave their victory speeches on Saturday evening, local time, the tally of Electoral College votes showed they had decisively passed the crucial ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The skills that make us a good partner make us a good parent

Being a good partner may make you a better parent, according to a new study. The same set of skills that we tap to be caring toward our partners is what we use to nurture our children, researchers found.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

North Dakota governor changes tack and issues mask mandate

After months of resisting ordering the people of North Dakota to wear masks and limit the size of gatherings, the state's Republican governor relented in an effort to stem a coronavirus surge that is among the worst in the ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Boris Johnson scraps remaining COVID restrictions in England

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is scrapping the last domestic coronavirus restrictions in England, including the requirement for people with COVID-19 to self-isolate, even as he acknowledged Monday the potential for ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Menopause timing hard to determine in every third woman

Is it possible to investigate menopausal age, or not? In more than one in three women aged 50, the body provides no clear answer about the menopause, a University of Gothenburg study shows. Increased use of hormonal intrauterine ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The 'best prospect' for ensuring success in demanding roles

On any given day, people are bombarded by countless preoccupations and distractions, some we ignore and others that hijack our attention. One's internal focus can be derailed by competing thoughts and worries, as well as ...

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