Oncology & Cancer

Team finds new potential causes of rare and lethal bone cancer

Little is known about the genetics and biology of chordoma, a rare and aggressive bone tumor. Chordomas occur in approximately one in a million people in the U.S. a year and 5% of these are in children. These tumors can arise ...


Understanding what causes trastuzumab's cardiotoxicity

A new meta-analysis published in OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology helps shed light on how changes in mitochondria-related gene expression may cause the cardiotoxicity associated with the cancer therapy trastuzumab.


T cells require healthy mitochondria, research shows

All cells have their own power plants, called mitochondria. There are often more than 100 mitochondria per cell and each possesses their own genome, which in turn contains genes responsible for energy production. If errors ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Urine test could one day replace biopsy in kidney disease diagnostics

Scientists from Skoltech and Sechenov University have developed an approach for diagnosing chronic kidney disease in its early stages. It relies on a urine sample, analyzing protein content to find pathologies and determine ...

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