
Researchers document impact of coffee on bowels

Coffee drinkers know that coffee helps keep the bowels moving, but researchers in Texas are trying to find out exactly why this is true, and it doesn't seem to be about the caffeine, according to a study presented at Digestive ...

Oncology & Cancer

Missing molecule hobbles cell movement

Cells missing a certain protein on their surface can't move normally, UConn researchers report in Science Signaling. The research could give insight into how cells move and repair wounds in normal tissue, as well as how cancer ...

Oncology & Cancer

Promising new pancreatic cancer treatment moves forward

Even among cancers, pancreatic cancer is an especially sinister form of disease. The one-year survival rate is extremely low, and treatment progress has lagged behind that of many other malignancies.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Possible pathway to new therapy for Alzheimer's disease

Researchers have uncovered an enzyme and a biochemical pathway they believe may lead to the identification of drugs that could inhibit the production of beta-amyloid protein, the toxic initiator of Alzheimer's disease (AD).

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