Alzheimer's disease & dementia

The two obstacles that are holding back Alzheimer's research

Thirty years ago, scientists began to unlock the mysteries regarding the cause of Alzheimer's disease. This knowledge ushered in an era of great enthusiasm that scientists could develop new therapies to either prevent Alzheimer's ...


Direct-to-consumer marketing to people with hemophilia

The manner in which pharmaceutical companies market their products to people who have hemophilia appears unprecedented and direct-to-consumer marketing should be examined by regulators, say researchers who reviewed documents, ...


UnitedHealth bulks up for prescription drug cost battle

The nation's largest health insurer, UnitedHealth, will muscle up for its fight against rising prescription drug costs by spending more than $12 billion to buy pharmacy benefits manager Catamaran Corp.


Cigarette co Reynolds taking nicotine gum national

Cigarette maker Reynolds American Inc. is taking its Zonnic brand nicotine gum nationwide, challenging the pharmaceutical industry's hold and pricing power of the market for products to help people stop smoking.

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