
Adding pharmacist to team can improve patient outcomes

(HealthDay)—Integration of pharmacists into team-based care practice models can improve patient outcome, especially in chronic diseases, such as diabetes, according to a report published in the American Medical Association's ...


Pharmacists play vital role in improving patient health

Pharmacists serving non-hospitalised patients, such as in general practices and community pharmacies, may achieve improvements in patient health outcomes according to the most comprehensive systematic review of the scientific ...


How pharmacists can help solve medication errors

In today's health care system, no one person – maybe not even you – knows exactly what drugs you're taking. What's more, no one health care provider knows how you, the patient, take your medications and at what doses. ...


eCare Plan set to improve doctor/pharmacist relationship

(HealthDay)—The Pharmacist eCare Plan is designed to improve communication between pharmacists and physicians by allowing documentation to be available via electronic health records (EHRs), according to an article published ...


Enlist a pharmacist to help manage high blood pressure

(HealthDay)—High blood pressure is one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease and stroke, yet has no symptoms of its own. That's why having your blood pressure checked regularly is a must, as is controlling it if ...


Should pharmacists be allowed to write prescriptions?

Prescribing of medications has traditionally been restricted to physicians, but there is growing support to allow pharmacists to do so as well. A British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology review of a large number of studies ...

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