
Review confirms value of combined approach to quitting smoking

Smokers who try to quit would be more successful if they combined medication or nicotine-replacement therapy with behavioral counseling, finds a new review in The Cochrane Library. Few lifestyle changes deliver as many positive ...


Obesity triggers AF in fertile women

Obesity triggers atrial fibrillation in fertile women, according to research presented today at the ESC Congress 2012 by Dr Deniz Karasoy from Denmark.


Researchers advocate for making pharmacy more sustainable

In an article published in the journal Science, a group of international researchers, including Gorka Orive, Doctor of Pharmacy and researcher in the UPV/EHU's NanoBioCel group, and Unax Lertxundi of the Bioaraba Institute ...


AI use in pharmacotherapy still in the early stages

Detecting drug interactions, discovering new drugs, predicting treatment response, optimizing doses–the list of the potential benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) for pharmacotherapy is long and promising.

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