Psychology & Psychiatry

Virtual Reality App trial shown to reduce common phobias

Results from a University of Otago, Christchurch trial suggest fresh hope for the estimated one-in-twelve people worldwide suffering from a fear of flying, needles, heights, spiders and dogs.


Beyond childhood: Picky eating in college students

Looking beyond the picky eating of childhood, researchers looked at this behavior in college students. Self-identified picky eaters ate significantly less fiber and vegetables and reported greater levels of social phobia ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A fifth of adults in Sweden report dental anxiety

In Sweden, approximately one in five adults suffers from dental anxiety or phobia. The number has decreased over time, but still an important part of the population have major problems, according to a recent doctoral thesis ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fear of the flush: Social anxiety and public restrooms

Most people experience anxiety at times. It's a normal emotion that can help us detect danger. But there's a fine line between our evolutionary instincts and a debilitating condition.

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