
Study shows kids get more exercise at school than at home

In a study of the activity level of grade 5 students at 60 schools across Alberta, researchers observed that children are more active on school days than on weekends and holidays when the weather turns bad.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pandemic's many effects on older women documented

A new supplemental issue to The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, titled "The Impact, Experience, and Challenges of COVID-19: The Women's Health Initiative (WHI)," explores key areas ...


A 'compass' in the brain to navigate thoughts

A new discovery by the University of Trento on the analogies between moving in the physical and conceptual space: the brain has cells that act as a navigation system, but also has cells that function as a sort of compass. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Nurturing mothers rear physically healthier adults

Nurturing mothers have garnered accolades for rescuing skinned knees on the playground and coaxing their children to sleep with lullabies. Now they're gaining merit for their offspring's physical health in middle age.


Saving the day

The kiss of life can literally be the difference between life or death for someone who has stopped breathing. If the patient's heart has stopped as well, circulation of oxygenated blood can be maintained by external chest ...

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