Psychology & Psychiatry

Genetics plays major role in victimization in elementary school

Genetics plays a major role in peer rejection and victimization in early elementary school, according to a study recently published on the website of the journal Child Development by a team directed by Dr. Michel Boivin, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research informs healthy body image for girls

(Medical Xpress)—If you want your daughter to feel better about her body, a Murdoch University researcher says to shift the focus from appearance to function.


Behavioral weight loss has long-term benefit for teens

(HealthDay) -- For overweight or obese adolescents, two group-based behavioral weight control interventions, combined with either aerobic activity or activity-based peer therapy, produce sustained improvements in body mass ...

Oncology & Cancer

Childhood cancer scars survivors later in life

Scars left behind by childhood cancer treatments are more than skin-deep. The increased risk of disfigurement and persistent hair loss caused by childhood cancer and treatment are associated with emotional distress and reduced ...

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