
Violence against long-term care staff 'normalized'

Violence against staff working in long-term care facilities—including physical assault, verbal abuse and sexual harassment—has become "normalised", according to a new University of Stirling study.


Improving care for intoxicated women assault victims

New research at the University of Adelaide could lead to improvements in professional health care for women who experience physical or sexual assault while under the influence of alcohol.


Homeless with TBI more likely to visit ER

Homeless and vulnerably housed people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury at some point in their life are more likely to visit an Emergency Department, be arrested or incarcerated, or be victims of physical assault, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

UK military personnel at increased risk of violent offending

Most strikingly, the study found that the proportion of young servicemen (under 30 years old) with a conviction for violent offending was much higher than among men of a similar age in the general population (20.6% vs 6.7%).


U.S. high schools lax in preventing dating abuse: study

(HealthDay) -- Although dating violence is a recognized problem for U.S. teens, a majority of high school counselors say their school provides no training or guidelines for dealing with abusive romantic relationships, a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

APA task force report outlines actions to end discrimination

Teaching students of all ages about the value of diversity and the serious mental health impacts of bias and stereotyping will help end widespread discrimination in the United States, according to a new American Psychological ...

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