Psychology & Psychiatry

Are looks more important than personality when choosing a man?

When mothers and their daughters have to choose potential partners, they do not look much further than skin deep. Mothers are not quite as picky though, and will choose a man who is only reasonably attractive for their daughters. ...


Cosmetic surgery affects job satisfaction

In the last few decades an increasing amount of money has been spent, mostly by women, on expensive cosmetic surgery procedures in an attempt to feel more attractive.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Reading the right sexual cues

Both college men and women focus primarily on a photographed woman's nonverbal emotional cues when making snap decisions about whether she is expressing sexual interest at a particular moment in time. But their judgments ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Want to be seen as a leader? Get some muscle

Forget intelligence or wisdom. A muscular physique might just be a more important attribute when it comes to judging a person's leadership potential.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Longer acquaintance levels the romantic playing field

Partners who become romantically involved soon after meeting tend to be more similar in physical attractiveness than partners who get together after knowing each other for a while, according to new findings published in Psychological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How men and women see each other when online dating

In the world of online dating, nothing is as it seems. But that doesn't stop many of us from leaping to the wrong conclusions about people. A recent paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication ...

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