Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Alzheimer's discovery reveals dire effect of toxic tau protein

Alzheimer's disease researchers at the University of Virginia have discovered how harmful tau proteins damage the essential operating instructions for our brain cells, a finding that could lead to new treatments.


Kids of single moms who later marry reap few benefits

(Medical Xpress)—With roughly four in 10 of all U.S. births now to unwed mothers, a new longitudinal study by Cornell demographers is the first to show that being raised in a single-parent home poses significant risks to ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

New mothers' sleep loss linked to accelerated aging

When new mothers complain that all those sleepless nights caring for their newborns are taking years off their life, they just might be right, UCLA research published this summer in the journal Sleep Health suggests.


Seven simple lifestyle steps may decrease risk of blood clots

Blood clots in the legs or lungs (deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism) kill an American about every 5 minutes. Adopting seven simple lifestyle steps could help reduce your risk of these potentially deadly blood clots, ...

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