
How to relieve a stress headache

You had a rough day at work and got stuck in traffic on the way home, and suddenly your head starts pounding.


Social gaming promotes healthy behavior, reveals new research

Adding social gaming elements to a behavior tracking program led people to exercise more frequently and helped them decrease their body-mass index, according to new research from the USC School of Cinematic Arts, the Keck ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How community gardening could ease your climate concerns

Every day, we are bombarded with messages about a world in crisis. Alongside the ongoing reminders of wars, economic recessions and social unrest is news about natural disasters and extreme weather—be that prolonged droughts, ...


Monitoring devices and apps aid cardiac rehabilitation

Using activity-monitoring devices and mobile applications helps improve the physical activity and health outcomes of patients undertaking cardiac rehabilitation programs, according to new research from Flinders University's ...

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