
Q and A: Pediatric pectus excavatum

We've noticed an indent in our son's chest since he was about 6 years old. Our pediatrician diagnosed this as pectus excavatum but said that it was nothing to worry about. Six years later, he's starting to complain that his ...


Why does my shoulder ache?

If you find yourself rubbing your shoulder after reaching up to take a coffee mug off the shelf, hammering in a nail just over your head or climbing into a pickup cab, you're among millions of Americans—particularly those ...


AI could change the way clinicians look at hip preservation

Orthopedic surgeons and biomedical engineers are trained to approach adolescent and young adult hip pain from two different perspectives. Surgeons typically look at conditions such as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and ...


Help your kids stay injury-free during sports season

Participating in sports can be beneficial for children's physical and mental health, as well as a huge part of their social life. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, emergency departments ...


Q and A: Just a little tug can cause nursemaid's elbow

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a 2-year-old daughter who loves to swing in between my husband and me as we walk. But a friend told me that wasn't safe because she could develop nursemaid's elbow. Can you explain the condition?

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