Psychology & Psychiatry

Self-inflicted pain eases guilt

(Medical Xpress) -- Physical discomfort can ease feelings of guilt, according to a study conducted by The University of Queensland (UQ).

Psychology & Psychiatry

Shameful secrets bother us more than guilty secrets

Everyone has secrets, but what causes someone to think about them over and over again? People who feel shame about a secret, as opposed to guilt, are more likely to be consumed by thoughts of what they are hiding, according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are you sabotaging your sex life?

(HealthDay)—Research confirms that a good sex life is a key to strong feelings of intimacy and satisfaction for both partners in a relationship.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Broken hearts really hurt

"Broken-hearted" isn't just a metaphor -- social pain and physical pain have a lot in common, according to Naomi Eisenberger of the University of Califiornia-Los Angeles, the author of a new paper published in Current Directions ...


The heart rules the head when we make financial decisions

(Medical Xpress) -- Our 'gut feelings' influence our decisions, overriding 'rational' thought, when we are faced with financial offers that we deem to be unfair, according to a new study. Even when we are set to benefit, ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Rumination leads to problems in boys with autism

Boys with autism are more prone to develop physical complaints, depression and aggressive behaviour. Psychologists at Leiden University have discovered that this is mainly related to rumination. Publication in the Journal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Comparing yourself to others can have health impacts

(Medical Xpress) -- Comparing yourself to others with the same health problem can influence your physical and emotional health, according to researchers who conducted a qualitative synthesis of over 30 studies focusing on ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Women with higher neuroticism are less physically active

Personality traits help to understand why some people are physically active and others are not. A new study from the Gerontology Research Center and the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä, ...

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