Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Girls 'least likely' to enjoy fitness tests, finds study

Girls in secondary school are less likely than boys to enjoy or engage with tests designed to curb obesity and inactivity, according to new research published in the peer-reviewed journal Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Excess screen time impacting teen mental health

Teens need to regularly switch screen time for physical activity for the sake of their health and mental wellbeing, according to a University of Queensland-led study.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Postmenopausal women can dance their way to better health

Women often struggle with managing their weight and other health risk factors, such as high cholesterol, once they transition through menopause. A new study suggests that dancing may effectively lower cholesterol levels, ...


Sleep and fitness go hand-in-hand

The University of Saskatchewan's (USask) Dr. Heather Foulds (PhD) and her team of students have conducted a new study which confirms the connection between sleep and physical activity among middle-aged women.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Fitness trackers are revealing COVID's long-term effects

Wearable fitness trackers such as Fitbits or the Apple Watch can help track people's recovery from COVID-19 and are revealing just how long-term that recovery is, according to a new study.

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