
Inactivity 'biggest factor' in women's heart risk

(Medical Xpress)—Lack of exercise is a greater risk for heart disease in women over 30 than smoking, obesity and high blood pressure, University of Queensland researchers have found.


Driving... a road to poor health?

As little as two hours a day behind the wheel is a potential risk factor for a range of poor health behaviours and outcomes, a University of Sydney study has shown.

Arthritis & Rheumatism

CDC: Prevalence of arthritis 22.8 percent in U.S. adults in 2017

(HealthDay)—The prevalence of arthritis was 22.8 percent in U.S. adults in 2017, with statewide variation in prevalence and in the prevalence of severe joint pain and physical inactivity among those with arthritis, according ...


WHO target to cut early chronic illness deaths

The World Health Organization announced on Friday it was set to approve a new target to reduce premature deaths from chronic illnesses such as heart disease by a quarter by 2025.

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