Psychology & Psychiatry

The pain of chronic loneliness can be detrimental to your health

The changes came so gradually that, for a long time, Paula Dutton didn't realize she was in trouble. This was just modern life, after all—the cross-country distance from her close-knit family in Philadelphia, the end of ...


Persistent pain experienced by firefighters

A recently released Western co-authored study is providing an eye-opening look into how physical pain and discomfort have become a way of life for many firefighters across the country.

Medical research

Spinal cord stimulation relieves back pain without opioids

Doctors who treat patients suffering from back pain are exploring new approaches that help some patients avoid opioid drugs. The highly addictive prescription painkillers are fueling an epidemic of abuse and overdose deaths.

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Does running bring on arthritic knees?

New research offers up some good news for diehard marathon runners: You don't necessarily have to give up running if you are experiencing hip or knee pain.

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