Obstetrics & gynaecology

Physical therapy after c-section improves outcomes

Women who received physical therapy after undergoing a cesarean section had significantly improved outcomes compared to those who did not according to a new study from University of Missouri Health Care.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Is surgery the only option for meniscal tear and osteoarthritis?

Many middle age and older adults have disabling knee pain due to a tear in the meniscus, an important supporting structure in the knee that is often damaged in patients with underlying knee osteoarthritis. In the United States, ...


Statin use associated with less physical activity

One of the longest studies of its type has found that use of statins in older men is associated with less physical activity, a significant issue for a population that's already sedentary.


Study recommends new ways to treat musculoskeletal pain

A new study led by The University of Western Australia has identified 11 recommendations to help health professionals and patients better manage musculoskeletal problems. The study comes after the team found many musculoskeletal ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Up to 4 million Americans out of work with long COVID

In yet another example of the financial toll that the new coronavirus has exacted during the pandemic, a new report estimates that up to 4 million Americans are out of work as they struggle with long COVID.

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