Medical research

Mirrors ease Cambodian amputees' phantom pain

Pov Sopheak lost his left leg in a landmine blast in 1990. Yet some nights the pain in his "left foot" is so bad he cannot sleep. Like many amputees, he suffers from phantom pain.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Broken hearts really hurt

"Broken-hearted" isn't just a metaphor -- social pain and physical pain have a lot in common, according to Naomi Eisenberger of the University of Califiornia-Los Angeles, the author of a new paper published in Current Directions ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Classification-based therapy no better for back pain

(HealthDay) -- Treatment of patients with lower back pain (LBP) using a classification-based physical therapy approach shows no statistically significant superiority to treatment with usual physical therapy care, according ...


Stronger hips improved running mechanics, lessened knee pain

Hip strengthening exercises performed by female runners not only significantly reduced patellofemoral pain -- a common knee pain experienced by runners -- but they also improved the runners' gaits, according to Indiana University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Self-inflicted pain eases guilt

(Medical Xpress) -- Physical discomfort can ease feelings of guilt, according to a study conducted by The University of Queensland (UQ).


When do Quebec doctors recommend exercise?

According to the WHO, over a quarter of the world's adult population isn't active enough. The proportion is greater still in high-income countries. Physicians are competent to give advice based on the patient's health status ...

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