
Can Pokemon Go solve the physical inactivity epidemic?

Just over a month ago, Nintendo released what has become one of the most popular video games ever created. Although Pokemon Go is somewhat old news now as it has been covered ad nauseum by the mass media, I'm really excited ...


Seattle hospital uses Pokemon Go in patient recovery

Priscilla and Olivia Wagoner, 10-year-old twins at Harborview Medical Center, aren't thinking of the severe burns that have kept them in the hospital for about two weeks and away from their home in Columbia Falls, Mont.

Overweight & Obesity

The Biggest Loser a big turnoff

The Biggest Loser might be a TV ratings winner, but its extreme depiction of exercise is more likely to turn people off than get them off the couch, according to new research from the University of Alberta.


Weight loss success in a 3-D virtual world

(Medical Xpress) -- Participants in two weight-loss programs - one involving traditional health club sessions and the other delivered online in a 3D virtual world - lost similar amounts of weight and body fat, but the online ...


When spine surgery is the answer

Having a back injury can put a person's life on hold. While most people can find relief through nonsurgical methods like physical therapy, steroid injections and medication management, some patients, including those with ...


Virtual experience gets the elderly to exercise

Virtual Reality can get the elderly in nursing homes to be happier about exercising. A new research project from Aalborg University shows that the technology motivates older people in nursing homes to get moving.


The gamification of rehabilitation

Peter Scannell, E'16, is one of five student engineers working to harness the power of the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset to help stroke patients overcome hemispatial neglect. Also called unilateral visual inattention ...

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