Medical research

Researchers uncover biochemical events needed to maintain erection

For two decades, scientists have known the biochemical factors that trigger penile erection, but not what's needed to maintain one. Now an article by Johns Hopkins researchers, scheduled to be published this week by the Proceedings ...


Primitive consciousness emerges first as you awaken from anesthesia

Awakening from anesthesia is often associated with an initial phase of delirious struggle before the full restoration of awareness and orientation to one's surroundings. Scientists now know why this may occur: primitive consciousness ...


Does caffeine enhance exercise performance? The debate continues

Caffeine is regarded by some as being a potent stimulant, but the debate continues as to whether it enhances exercise performance. A range of expert opinions capture the scope of this ongoing debate in an informative roundtable ...


The perils of drunken walking

(Medical Xpress) -- Drinking and driving is a much-publicized, dangerous combination, but is walking after drinking any safer?

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