Psychology & Psychiatry

4 ways pets are good for your health and well-being

Many pet owners have found support from their pets throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and there's science to back up the physical and mental health benefits to pet companionship. The American Heart Association, a global force ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can financial stress lead to physical pain in later years?

Financial stress can have an immediate impact on well-being, but can it lead to physical pain nearly 30 years later? The answer is yes, according to new research from University of Georgia scientists.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Twitter stress testing: Detecting psychological stress in tweets

Psychological stress is an important determinant of mental health. Its early detection might allow interventions to be made to preclude chronic problems. Writing in the International Journal of High Performance Computing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

For the sake of your heart, cut down on the news

With a pandemic that is still raging and threats of violence leading up to President-Elect Joe Biden's inauguration, Americans are likely feeling even more stress than they felt in an American Psychological Association study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Need to reduce work-related stress? It's a walk in the park

Work causes so much stress that it's become a global public health issue. The impact of stress on mental and physical health can also hurt productivity and result in economic loss. A new study now finds that working people ...

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